Being small business owners, you are 100% in control. Too often in our pasts, we've both worked in roles where fantastical ideas get side tabled by the bureaucracy of corporate structure.

Here at Gear Hut, we get to choose what's a priority to us. That means when we have an idea, we're able to roll with it and make it work. Whether that's working with local outdoor artists to create murals or sell artwork or teaming up with Non-Profit organizations that are making change and bettering the outdoor community of Reno. We can run silly gift card treasure hunts, snow inspired sales, and clean up trash. We are able to post silly things in our stories and overshare our baby (who's now a kid). We can also donate gift cards to various events and prize packages.
It also means that we can stick to our personal ethics. We made goals of running a low waste store and are able to implement that by not providing bags, only offering e-receipts and having no micro plastic tagging. We can pay our employees to get outside and sponsor their growth in the outdoors. We personally donate 10% of sales once a month to groups that we believe in. We have a platform where we can educate and hopefully inspire. We are able to promote reasons I and II (see previous 2 blog posts - access and environment), our passions.
If you find yourself dreaming of the entrepreneur thing…please-please-please do it. Nothing is free-er (except for the 70-hour weeks), then being able to call the shots.
