What Is Consignment?
Consignment is when a shop sells goods for an owner in exchange for a percentage of the total selling price. The owner of the goods then gets paid via check or store-credit once items sell.
We make re-homing your gently used outdoor gear hassle-free! We handle the selling process for you, offering a one-stop shop in Reno. You get paid once items sell, avoiding Craigslist hassles. With the variety of outdoor recreation opportunities in the Reno Tahoe area, Gear Hut maintains a steady flow of adventurers ready to buy your gently used gear!

Consignor pricing breakdown:
$0 < Item value < 50 us 60/40 you
$50 < Item value < $150 us 50/50 you
$151 < Item value < $400 us 40/60 you
$401 < Item value us 30/70 you
**Planning on doing some shopping?**
Use store credit instead and you'll receive an additional 10%
I have stuff to bring in, what's next?
Make sure your items are CLEAN and functional. No holes, missing parts, etc. Gear Hut DOES NOT TAKE dirty clothing or broken gear. If you piece is electronic, please include chargers and working batteries. A list of items that we take can be found HERE.
When you come in, Gear Hut staff will have your fill out a consignor agreement, take a photo of your ID and work with you to develop prices for each item based on its condition, market value, demand, etc. We will email you a link to your consignor portal so you can check on item status/prices.
How do I cash out?
Check on your Consignor Portal (online or app) to see if your items have sold. To request a check for pick up, call (775-219-4612), email or use our FORM. Allow up to 10 days for processing. Bring photo ID for check pick up during open shop hours. Mailed checks will incur a $2 convenience fee.
After our 90 day consignment period you are able to pick up any unsold items, however, we will keep non-seasonal and high demand consignment for up to 365 days. Seasonal Items will have designated pick up dates, predetermined at the beginning of the season. Consignor Access will reflect your pick up dates.