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PART 2: Why the Store? The Environmental Impact of Consumerism

Writer's picture: Gear HutGear Hut

In short, for all environmental reasons. Our goal is to help foster a local outdoor culture that not only embraces our wild places while recreating, but also while shopping. Most outdoor gear and technical apparel are backed by solid product design that permits for a long life of adventure, which should be taken advantage of to its fullest.

The simple fact is that we outgrow (physically and ability wise) our equipment and clothes. As you progress in a sport, you may choose to upgrade, or invest in a larger size jacket (or the opposite). The question comes down to - "what do I do with my old items?" especially if you don't have someone to directly pass them along to.

Consignment is an environmentally responsible way of ensuring that your gear and clothing are ending up in a new owner's hands. Rather than blindly dumping them at a Goodwill drop off in the hopes that they make it to the shelf and find a buyer, you know the status of your items. Gear Hut is a platform where adventurers can access gear that is ‘new to them’ while helping other adventurers buy the upgrade they want and need with that consignment money!

Furthermore, according to statistics, 84% of donated items end up in landfills or incinerated. Gear Hut is here to help reduce that trend by rehoming your once beloved outdoor apparel/gear gems through the consignment process.

On top of reducing landfill impact, buying used has the additional benefits of zero packaging waste, no shipping costs, and the elimination of chemicals/water usage due to the manufacturing demand of creating new.

Finally, shopping used allows more people to affordably support brands that are following sustainable practices in product development. Rather than being limited to the financial restrictions of Walmart-esque brands (cheap products that are more likely to fail/end up in the landfill), folks are able to get geared up with pieces designed with the environment and longevity in mind.


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