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Nutrition for Adventure with Steph

As a second guest for our pandemic Instagram live series, we had a chat with Steph, a Registered Dietitian based in Vermont. During our first live Q&A, we received LOTS of questions in regards to gourmet foods and recipes, and Rusty and I realized we were not qualified to answer them! We aren't the most creative when it comes to packing snacks (we tend to raid Grocery Outlet for bars on sale and eat instant rice on backpacking trips), so having Steph's professional input and expertise was a fantastic addition to our mini series..

Steph is an avid rock climber, skier, triathlete and photographer. She has worked in many areas of nutrition including Pediatrics, Oncology, GI diseases and Eating Disorders, but her favorite area of nutrition is sports nutrition and learning/teaching how to fuel the body for endurance exercise. Steph has worked for the Biggest Loser, at multiple hospitals as their GI and Pediatric Dietitian, and as the Dietitian at a Physical Therapy Gym. She currently works at a local nutrition practice in Burlington, VT called Whole Health Nutrition where she can see all sorts of clients, write blog posts, and teach weekly (currently virtual) cooking classes. She loves helping people to get motivated about their nutrition and health goals. 

Steph provided us with these fantastic resources that she wrote up: a post about 7 Tips for Fueling Your Next Adventure (hearty snack recommendations and hydration info) and Nutrition to Fuel Your Workout (great information for folks who are training). Both include information on how to easily make nutrition an important part of your adventure lifestyle. Give them a read!

Also, check out these summary slides from our chat with Steph! They contain a lot of answers to the questions we received from our Instagram followers.

Personally, my biggest take-a-way from our virtual discussion was the importance of taking time for a meal. It's so easy to sustain off of bars all day when out hiking/climbing/biking, but I've already implemented the change of bringing a small meal to sit down, take a break and enjoy. Not only have I felt better charged as I reach the end of my adventure filled day, but I also enjoy that time to sit, soak in the view, and make my pack a smidge lighter. It's also a chance to check my water rationing and make sure I'm hydrating properly.

Take this time to try cooking up some trail food for your next adventure! I've been experimenting with mini muffins (made with the excess of baby food we have around the house... spinach apple is super tasty). We've even started roasting our own chick-peas as protein filled trail snacks (#quarantinekitchenlife). Thank you for the healthy inspiration and chat Steph! We highly recommend reaching out to a dietitian to help you reach your adventure goals!

-Leah Wz


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